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For many homeowners, space is a significant issue. I don’t know about you, but it feels like we’re always trying to declutter, or eyeing bigger homes for sale in the area. After all, there are a lot of benefits to more space. The truth is, you may not need a larger-sized home to enjoy the perks of spaciousness. Did you know that you can manipulate your lights to make your room appear larger? I’ve got some other tips to create more space (or the illusion of it!) in your home.

Let’s Create More Space
- Use proper storage containers. Clutter, such as bags, paper stacks, and clothing scattered all over the place can make a room look and feel smaller than it is. This is often due to ineffective storage solutions. Therefore, to create adequate space, you would need to implement better storage. For example, you can create a closet underneath the base of your stairs to store seasonal clothing items like winter coats (we have shelves that hold our home canned goods under ours!). Suspended ceiling shelves around the room’s perimeter are a great way to create additional storage while keeping items out of sight. You can also squeeze in a shelf in unlikely yet imaginative areas like under window sills. Using smart furniture storage solutions is also an excellent idea. You really can squeeze in some storage anywhere when you’re creative!
- Declutter. As mentioned earlier, clutter makes your room disorganized and makes it feel smaller. This is the case anywhere there’s clutter. Just as a duplicate photos finder helps remove clutter from your phone by automatically deleting duplicate pictures, you need to do the same with your home — be bold enough to clear all non-essential belongings (how many blankets do you really need?). Go through your things to let go of those you no longer use or aren’t functional. Be sure to remove old souvenirs from your living area to create more space. You can also limit decorations or furnishing you put in place to prevent a cluttered appearance.
- Add mirrors. Mirrors can quickly transform your space by making it look larger and brighter. You can position your mirror at strategic angles to reflect the open skylight, trees, and water if your home is near a river or park. Being able to see outside your home can create a perception of space while adding a tranquil ambiance to your home. Your wall mirrors should reflect your light source to bring more brightness since facing a blank wall wouldn’t do much for your space. You should consider positioning your mirror across a well-lit home area or your windows for maximum impact. I’m partial to this mirror.
- Add a loft if you have high ceilings. You can create a top loft space for sleeping or storage if your studio apartment has a high ceiling. The high ceiling offers an excellent benefit for improving your home layout. An additional storage or sleeping area can make even the smallest home feel more significant than it is.
- Choose multifunctional furntiture. Contrary to popular belief, rooms look more prominent when furnished than empty. Instead of removing your furniture to make your room appear more spacious, consider getting multipurpose furniture like a Murphy bed. An ottoman can serve as both a coffee table and a storage compartment for blankets.
- Hang your pans. Consider where you keep your kitchen pans. Are they hidden somewhere deep in your closet or stacked in your oven? If that is the case, you will likely spend much time organizing, arranging, or getting them for use. Additionally, your pans can take more spaces you can utilize in better ways. An easy solution is to simply hang your pans on your wall. This makes it easy to reach them and free up more spaces for other things in your cabinet. I prefer to hang them flat rather than have a pot rack that I can bonk my head on.
No matter the size of your home, these tips should help you quickly create more room, storage, and brightness. Your desired layout will work fine as long as you feel relaxed, organized, and comfortable in your space. These tips are all you need to create your more desired space.
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