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Disneyland may be known for the lines you have to wait in for the top attractions, but not all great attractions have long lines to keep you waiting. Before we get to the top no wait Disneyland rides, you should know that when you visit Disneyland, Maxpass is the best way to free up time in the parks. It costs only $15 per day for each person, and it includes Photopass, which is nice to have, so you know you’ll walk out with some fun pictures to look at.
Maxpass lets you select Fastpasses from wherever you are as soon as you redeem one. When you use this app, you can walk on virtually any attraction. However, if you just want low wait times without using the Fastpass or Maxpass systems try these five attractions that are typically easy to get on. The following no wait Disney rides, and attractions are some of the best unique and most classic Disneyland experiences.
If you’re looking for the best flight deals for your Disneyland trip, you need JetRadar. You can search for flights from the website, but I recommend downloading their app.

The Best No Wait Disneyland Rides Are:
1. Mark Twain
When you head westward into the wide-open country of Frontierland, possibilities unfold before you. The thrills of Big Thunder Mountain to the right, the allure of New Orleans on the left, and straight ahead, a romantic riverboat ready to churn and paddle you around the Rivers of America. The steamboat only takes about ten minutes to make its way back around the bend, and you will rarely miss a boarding as long as your on the dock.
2. Walt Disney’s Enchanted Tiki Room
Walt Disney’s Enchanted Tiki Room is short, but always an entertaining treat. Even better are the Dole whips you can buy while in the preshow area. The entertainment of the preshow area and the popular pineapple soft-serve make even the longest wait seem like nothing. However, the show runs continuously, so you are just as likely to wander straight into the mystical Polynesian hut with no wait at all.
3. Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln
Perhaps the Greatest Disneyland attraction, this show is steeped in Disney history as well as American history. This powerfully moving presentation culminates in a massive technological achievement as Abraham Lincoln stands up and addresses the audience. The show runs continuously, so it’s all about timing, but you will never have to wait any longer than a show length. In the meantime, there is plenty to look at in the Walt Disney Story exhibit.
4. Sleeping Beauty Castle Walkthrough
This attraction lets you wander the halls of Sleeping Beauty’s Castle and see the story in a series of animated dioramas. There is no line for this and it’s a nice little escape on a crowded day. Plus it’s one more nook in the densely packed Fantasyland courtyard to explore for an added dose of enchantment.
5. The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
In the back of the westside of the park, is a dark ride that never sees a long wait. You can usually get right on without a problem. It’s a vibrant and colorful journey right into the pages of Winnie the Pooh. Flanked by Splash Mountain on one side and Galaxy’s Edge on the other, this ride is easily overlooked despite being a joy to ride.

Bonus No Wait Disneyland Rides
Splash Mountain at Night
When the sun goes down interest usually wains.
Disneyland RR at the Tomorrowland Depot
This depot usually has few passengers waiting, and it’s just before the best part of the grand circle tour.
Pirates of the Caribbean
Popular, yes. But the line moves fast. Compared to the length of the ride, it’s a relatively low wait.

I hope you have a spectacular time on all of these no wait Disneyland rides! Disneyland is such a magical place to be, and our family can’t wait to go back.
When planning your Disneyland trip, definitely search for flight deals. I know it can get expensive bringing the entire family, so do your research on JetRadar. We’ve been able to find great deals all over the world with them. Download the free JetRadar app to get started.

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