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Make Moving Less Stressful—Moving is one of the most stressful experiences that you can go through – in surveys, it’s right up there with bereavement and divorce. It might not seem like that big a deal, I get it.
Sure, you’ve got the financial commitment you’re making when you rent or buy a new property…but it’s stressful to pick your whole life up and put it down somewhere else. Here are a few tips that will make the moving experiences a little more stress-free for you.
1. Start Early
First, start early. There is absolutely nothing as terrible as looking around your home the night before you move and realising that almost nothing is done. Not only will this make for an awful night for you, but it will also create a terrible moving day – it’s important that you get as much sleep as you can the night before so that you’re well rested and you can get through moving day in as organised a fashion as possible.
Start packing as early as you can – go for items that you don’t use on a day to day basis, like clothes that are out of season and books that you aren’t intending to reread in the next few weeks.
2. Purge As You Go
When you’re packing, it’s a great idea to purge as you go. Because you have to do it quickly, you might just get rid of things that you really don’t need and that you’ve been keeping around for way too long out of unnecessary sentimentality.
When you pack, make sure that you keep an extra few bags around. These should be filled with items that you can donate – and a separate pile of bags can be filled with items that you can trash or recycle. One of the best things about moving is that it’s a lot easier to throw away things you no longer really want.
3. Hire Professionals to Make Moving Less Stressful
When you’re moving, it can be tempting to save money and attempt to do it all yourself. A lot of the time this is just exhausting and will lead to you being incredibly stressed and running out of time. It’s possible you might even injure yourself when you lift heavy boxes that you aren’t used to carrying.
It’s a good idea to hire a professional moving company who will be able to do the hard work and heavy lifting for you. This might cost you a little money, but it will be more than worth it when you consider the time and energy that you’re saving.
4. Create A ‘First Night’ Box
Finally, remember to create a ‘first night’ box, full of the things that you’re going to need on your first night and morning in your new home. When you’re exhausted and covered in dust, the last thing that you’ll want to do is search through every box that you have, trying to find your toothbrush.
Keep basic toiletries in this box along with clean towels and sheets, food and bottled water. You also might need coffee for the morning, eating utensils, and any medication you take.
Moving doesn’t have to be a terrible experience – these tips should make it feel a whole lot less stressful than you’re expecting.

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