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People ask me all the time where I’m from. Even if the person I’m asking lives 20 minutes from me, I have to specify Denver, IOWA. Not the mile high…the mile WIDE. Literally.
We have a population of about 1,700, and despite being a pretty small town, I love it. The entire town genuinely cares about the children here, and after a third attempt at a grassroots campaign for a a bond referendum to finance a new gymnasium and auditorium…it passed.
In 2014, their Principal was voted Iowa Elementary Principal of the Year. Understandably so – they’ve got such a commitment of excellence at the school. Check out this years Iowa Schools Report Card! Some of the best scores in the nation!
Although the schools are amazing, that’s not what I love most about Denver.
Not the Sweet Spot (although their ice cream is amazing!)…
Not the Dinner Bell…..
Not their new splash pad (actually, I would probably really like the splash pad if the surface were not concrete. concrete + water = painful slips)…
And not even their huge library!
You ready for it?
All of their playgrounds!!! They already had some pretty good parks goin’ on, but they just built another huge playground last summer with the help of the entire town…IN FIVE DAYS!!!! There was a contest for naming the park, and the name “Cyclone City” one – after the school’s mascot. Even cooler? The children of Denver designed it.
Besides volunteering, residents raised more than $200,000 for the project. The city also contributed $75,000 and more money came from a bank and community groups.
There were so so so many people helping. The sense of community in this town just blows me away.
It’s friendly for ALL ages – even my little guy!
See how many amazing people helped?!

He loves this park! {daddy dressed me!}
Remember riding your bikes and being at the playground all day long? And your only way you knew it was time to come home was it was getting dark out? Yeah. I remember those days, too – I want to raise kids who aren’t dependent on technology for entertainment. I urge you to get out and play with your kids, too!
This post is sponsored by the Voice of Play. You can learn more about them here.
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