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Y’all know how much I love biohacking — doing what I can to be in peak performance. When the team at Lumen asked me to review their product, I jumped at the opportunity. After all, I’m 35 now, and I’ve definitely noticed it’s significantly more difficult to lose weight than it used to be. In fact, a couple of summers ago I did a 17-day water-only fast to try to cure my invisible illnesses, and I eviscerated my metabolism as a result. It took well over a year to repair the damage. So, I made a promise to myself that I’m not doing anything like that again.
Enter Lumen — an innovative device that claims to help you hack your metabolism. It’s a little black handheld machine that you breathe into. I participated in its 7-day Lumen Challenge (several times, actually). There were no crazy diets or exercises; all I did was make little changes based on the tailored suggestions they give after I measure my metabolism throughout my day. Here’s my lumen review.
In this challenge you:
- See in real-time how your body responds to food and activity
- Learn how to train your body to become more flexible (using fat or carbs for fuel—a flexible one will help you wake up in fat-burning mode, and towards carb-burning mode after eating carbs)
- Build healthy habits; nutrition, sleep, and workouts
Inside Lumen is a CO2 sensor and flow meter — this determines your CO2 concentration in just one breath, and can tell the type of fuel your body is using to produce energy.
Lumen Challenge Details
Days 1-4: Gauge your circadian rhythm; track to see how in sync your body is with your daily habits
Day 2: Measure your carb capacity; if your Lumen level is 1-2 before eating, eat some carbs. But if it’s level 4-5, leave ’em out.
Day 3: Do cardio or fast; see the impact on your Lumen level.
Day 4: Eat carbs and exercise; how does your body use fat and carbs when you incorporate exercise?
Days 5-7: Incorporate meal planning and macros; what effect did the nutrition changes have on your Lumen score?
Day 6: Hydrate and optional fast; does this impact your metabolism?
Day 7: Sleep and body clock; how has the week affected your scores?
Using the app, you see your level after breathing into Lumen:
1: You’re burning fat and your carb stores are depleted.
2: You’re burning fat and most of your carb stores are depleted.
3: You’re burning both fat and carbs.
4-5: You’re burning carbs and your carb stores are full.
The goal is to be in level 1 or 2 when you wake. Every week, you get a metabolic flexibility score. Each time you breathe into the device, you get tips and tricks to help you on your journey towards metabolic efficiency.
My 2-Week Lumen Results
I did two weeks of the Lumen Challenge, and these were my results:
Weight: -1%
BMI: -2%
Weight Control: -3%
Fat Mass: -4%
Body Fat %: -2%
Body Water: +2%
Subcutaneous Fat: -2%
Muscle Rate: +1%
Basal Metabolic Rate: +1%
Lumen Review
I think it’s safe to say that Lumen is pretty freaking cool. It isn’t new technology — athletes and scientists have had access for a long time, now we do, too. What I like the most is that I didn’t have to make ANY extreme changes. Just a little bit here and there.
Where to Buy Your Lumen
>>> Buy your Lumen here, and use my code: Idyllic <<<
Join My next 21-day challenge:

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