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How to save on heating bill: Terrible news, folks, as the Mayor of Halloween Town says. While Halloween isn’t canceled, we might want to save the candles inside our Jack o’ Lantern for heating purposes. The US Energy Information Administration expects a spike in heating bill costs this winter by as much as 54%. This could prove to be the most expensive winter season for natural gas-heated homes since 2008-2009. We’re in Iowa and heat our home with gas — so we’ve been looking for strategies to help ease the burden this winter.

How to Save On Heating Bill
Check the Age of Your Furnace
While the old furnace might still produce some heat, old equipment should be renewed and replaced regularly. An old furnace could present many inconveniences. First of all, your heating system might lack efficiency. As prices are rising, the last thing you want is to pay more than you should. Secondly, old appliances are prone to unexpected faults, which will be expensive to fix. For example, the furnace in my home right now is over 30 years old — much past its prime, and they don’t make parts for it anymore. The last thing I need is for it to go out in the middle of -50 temperatures.
Ideally, if you are looking for a new gas furnace, now’s the best time to consider new models with promotional offers and additional warranties/services. Currently, some gas Burnham boilers are on sale, for instance. So, it’s the ideal opportunity for you to arrange for a quick and easy installation before the start of the winter.
Check Your Insulation
Is your home losing heat during the winter? While the windows are the first thing homeowners tend to check, in reality, households tend to lose heated air through the wall and the roof. Up to 30% of the indoor air can escape through the roof, making it hard to regulate temperatures.
Typically, you can spot roof insulation problems easily. A leaky roof, for instance, is likely to accumulate rainwater in the under-roof area. If the moisture can get in, the warm air can get out through the same passage. Additionally, your loft area and walls need adequate insulation. The easiest way to check your insulation is to touch the walls. If it is cold to the touch, you will likely need to fix the insulating layer.
More often than not, the presence of pests inside your home can dramatically affect the insulation. Pests such as bugs and mice eat absolutely everything to build a nest. If you have a nest of mice inside the wall, it means you’ve got a spot where the heat can leave your home. Make sure to check to plan pest removal before you fix the insulation problems.
Check How You’re Dressed
This is the only time I’ll ever comment on your appearance, especially inside your own home. However, if it’s winter and you’ve got the heat setting at 75 degrees while you have on shorts and a tank top…Consider breaking out the long-sleeved shirts and warm pants to help keep warm so you can turn the heat down a bit.
Trick the Body Into Warming Itself
There is a big difference between seeking self-warming comfort and seeking the idea of external warmth. External warmth comfort refers to your heating system. However, chai tea and chai latte, for instance, are perfect drinks to boost thermogenesis. Spices encourage your body to increase the heat. Similarly, you can also select foods that encourage heat production, such as foods that need longer to digest, like sweet potatoes and oats.
You can also get active. We have a full home gym in our basement where it’s the coolest part of the house. I’m typically pretty chilly when I start my workout but by the end, I want to turn the heat down.
How to Save On Heating Bill: Bottom Line
Are you ready for the winter energy bill increase? We may not be able to fight inflation, but we can take preventive measures to minimize it.
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