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Americans love to eat, and as proof, 53% of the population admit to being ‘foodies’ — myself included (I ate my way around 28 countries in 18 months!). Add that statistic to the addiction to junk food and the country’s battle with obesity, and you have a problematic situation. Fortunately, more people see the need to live healthier lives, fueling the passion for countless weight loss routines. With that said, how can you commit and be motivated to lose weight when you enjoy food? Below are some tips — from one foodie to another.

How to Lose Weight When You Love Food
Adopt Healthier Cooking Methods
If you’ve ever wondered why junk foods tend to be tasty, it’s because of the high concentration of sugars, sodium, and unhealthy fats. Additionally, they lack good nutrition due to the cooking methods which focus on aroma and taste. Fortunately, there is a way out of this problem. First of all, if you already know how to cook, it would help if you turned your focus on healthier cooking methods.
Healthier food may appear bland to people because of the psychology behind its cooking method and presentation. Therefore, people end up viewing these more nutritious options like trees on a plate. However, you can spice things up in your kitchen.
While nutritionists and dieticians emphasize steaming, boiling, and poaching as healthier cooking methods, the result may lose some flavor and taste. Fortunately, with the right amount of spices and access to healthy bulk ingredients, your food will turn out great and appeal to you. You can also use an air fryer to mimic the deep fat fry of your favorite high-calorie foods. You will enjoy eating healthy foods cooked the right way as you embark on your weight loss journey.
Practice Mindful Eating
This is probably one of my favorites for how to lose weight when you love food. This healthy habit is catching on with many Americans, but it took me a while to really grasp the concept. It refers to a person’s consciousness and awareness of what is being ingested.
Additionally, it involves the deliberate sensory acknowledgment of the meal you have before you. According to CNN, 84% of Americans eat fast foods, and even when they do, it’s while watching a TV show or seated at the office desk. That is in sharp contradiction to mindful eating. Therefore, it helps to pay attention to your meal while you chew and swallow. According to research, that fills you up rather than when you rush through your food.
I’m guilty of eating just about every meal at my desk — I’m a full-time writer working from home (unless traveling for tourism boards). It’s easy to over-consume when you’re not near the kitchen to put uneaten food on your plate away, so you simply eat everything on your plate even though you’re satisfied. Try to sit at a table and eat without a phone or computer in front of you.
Consume Healthier Versions of Food You Love
The first question you’re probably asking yourself is how this is possible? Here’s an example of how; if you love to have croissant rolls with regular milk for breakfast, consider a whole wheat-baked croissant with low-fat milk for your morning meal. While still not perfect, it’s a step in the right direction. Indeed, you can try adopting this strategy for all your meals in the day. What you need to get through it is self-discipline.
By choosing more fiber in your meals, your stomach feels full for longer, and the cravings for sugary meals can be significantly reduced. With some observation, you will realize that whole food often features in weight-loss diets, for good reasons.
First, regular consumption helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. Also, whole foods contain several nutrients acting in harmony with each other. Therefore, the healthier alternatives you choose do more than help you shed the pounds off in the long run.
How to Lose Weight When You Love Food Conclusion
In all of these, it wouldn’t be wrong to also pay critical attention to the quantity of food you have at a sitting. Meal sizes in America are far larger than our international counterparts. And with healthy exercise routines, your weight loss journey can be easier than you thought.

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