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Whenever my kids get a scratch or bruise, they ask for the “healing salve,” as though it makes everything better.
This healing salve is ridiculously simple to make–especially considering the main ingredient runs rampant in most backyards.
The plantain leaf (Plantago major) is easily identifiable– it looks like a weed. The lines in the leaves are vertical, like below:

photo credit: QueenieVonSugarpants via photopin cc
It’s best to pick these leaves on a dry summer day. I probably picked 50 of these leaves in less than ten minutes. I don’t spray my yard at all–I like finding all these medicinal herbs! Please don’t use weeds that have been sprayed.
You could chew on a leaf and make a poultice in a pinch–like if you’re hiking in the woods and get a bug bite or scratch. Just apply the poultice on the wound for almost instant relief. You could even put a leaf where you have a blister during said hike. Voila! Relief:)
Plantain Infusion
- The preferred way to make a plantain infusion is to gather a large amount of plantain leaves and let them dry.
- Once dry, crush with a mortar and pestle. You want to have about a cup of crushed plantain leaves.
- Add these to a mason jar and cover with olive oil.
- Store in a cupboard away from heat and light for a minimum of 10 days.
- Strain using a cheesecloth or fine mesh sieve, discarding the plantain and reserving the liquid. This liquid is your plantain infusion.
I like adding Vitamin E to my salves. I really like Natural Goal’s Ultimate Vitamin E Complex–it comes in soft gel form and is free of any preservatives. When taken orally, there is no after taste, and the pills are easy for me to swallow. Vitamin E is supposed to help aid in healthy blood circulation, and is a great anti-ager (is that a word? No? okay. So what?).
First Aid Plantain Salve
Makes 1/2 cup salve
- Plantain infusion (above)
- 1 tbsp + 1 tsp Organic beeswax pastilles
- 3 Natural Goal’s Vitamin E Complex softgels
- 1-2 drops of essential oils (optional)
- Melt beeswax in a double boiler. Once melted, add plantain infusion
- Once thoroughly infused, remove from heat and pierce 3 softgels and empty into liquid
- Add essential oils if using, stirring to combine thoroughly
- Pour into containers, making sure to keep out of heat and direct sun
This works great on any cuts, scratches, bug bites, poison ivy, and even hemorrhoids!
This post is sponsored by Natural Goal, but my love for Vitamin E is all my own!
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This sounds great and I have lots of plantain growing in my yard. How much olive oil do you use to make the infusion?