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Once upon a time I had a satellite dish. Shocking, I know. I attribute part of my previous weight gain to watching hours of the Food Network. I was subscribed to countless food magazines, everything from Food Network to Bon Appetit.
Somewhere between my obsession with cooking shows, cooking magazines, helping my dad cook as a kid, and just having Midwestern roots…I learned to become an excellent cook. In fact, my husband’s mom has been the food services director at a local university for almost 30 years. She’s a very, very good cook. When I first cooked for my husband (I think our second date?), he jokingly asked me to marry him…exclaiming “You are the best cook in the world!”
I learned my favorite homemade cottage cheese recipe while watching Alton Brown in all his glorious geekiness (this is a word, isn’t it?). This is ridiculously simple. I adjusted the recipe slightly to make it less salty.
Homemade Cottage Cheese
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