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When you commit to buying a house, you are also committing to all the things that could go wrong with it. We like to think that it will never happen to us, but we never know what might happen. In fact, when we first bought our home we had to replace the water heater, flooded four times because of crazy rains for a month, need to replace the HVAC, and then had to gut our entire basement. Adverse weather can cause flooding, missing roofing tiles — and even pests can cause dramatic problems. So, what are the most expensive home repairs? We’ll discuss those below.
One of the first things you will do as a homeowner to protect your significant financial investment is to have the right home insurance — and home when the time comes that you will be covered fully.

What Are The Most Expensive Home Repairs?
Anything that needs to be fixed with the foundations will be a doozy. Although you will have received a survey in the initial buying process, some foundation issues are more difficult to spot – or not covered in the survey.
If you notice cracks on the walls, around windows and doors especially, sloping floors or any water pooling, then it is time to get someone out to check the foundations of your home.
Water heater
We rely on our water heaters so much, yet we often push back on getting regular maintenance done. We know that our water heaters and other parts associated with the heating and cooling of our home should be looked at between 6-12 months.
If it has been a while since you got yours checked, then you must book a professional out to look. If you hear odd noises like creaking or clanging and spot any leaking — be prepared for what might be a hefty bill.
Water damage
Water damage can be significant and incredibly costly. Often, many people won’t notice any issues until there are strong, musty smells, large brown patches, or mold that seem to be more difficult than usual to remove.
Water damage is one of the most expensive home repairs that you are likely to encounter. Here are a few ways that you can spot the issue:
- Peeling paint
- Musty smell
- Leaks that you can see or hear
- Mold or mildew appears on the ceilings or walls
To help avoid water damage, make sure your gutters are cleaned out regularly and that a professional handles any leaks quickly.
However, insurance companies can drag their heels on claims or refuse to pay from time to time. If that sounds like a story you’ve heard before and one you want to avoid, then read more here; https://allproadjusters.com/water-damage about your options.
Electrical issues
Most electrical issues will need to be handled by a professional. It can be the case that older houses have older wiring, and therefore the walls and flooring will need to come up too. Unfixed electrical issues pose a fire hazard, though, so they are essential.
If you notice that any of your appliances shock you regularly, that you have flickering lights in the home, or your circuit breaker trips often — it’s time to call an electrician.
Are you taking all the steps to avoid costly repairs? Check out this list: How to Maintain Your Home & Avoid Problems – Idyllic Pursuit.
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