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Many people today suffer from anxiety, depression, and other mental health disorders. Of course, not everyone who suffers from low moods is clinically diagnosed with a mental health illness, but that doesn’t mean that those who aren’t diagnosed can ignore their mental health. Problems can arise over time, especially if we fail to take good care of ourselves both mentally and physically and so it’s important to search for ways in which you can improve your self-care. To help you with this, we’ve listed a few helpful tips for taking care of your mental health.
![man tattooed praying; taking care of your mental health](https://i0.wp.com/www.idyllicpursuit.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/pexels-photo-1278566.jpeg?resize=1880%2C1253&ssl=1)
Consider Your Friendships
This might seem like quite a tough one to start on, but it can be one of the most impactful by far. When we talk about considering your friendships, we predominantly mean that you should focus on your healthy friendships and put extra effort into strengthening those bonds. However, this also comes with a secondary task, which can be the most difficult. That second consideration is to identify toxic friendships in your life and think hard about whether you should remove those friends from your life or not. It’s worth remembering that if a friendship is indeed toxic, then it really isn’t a true friendship.
Remember What You’re Grateful For
Sadly, it can be very easy for us to dwell on the negatives in our lives, whether it’s to do with our personal or professional lives. But when we dwell on these things, whether a failed job application or a relationship that’s fallen apart, they overshadow the good things in our lives that would otherwise give us great joy. It’s important then to think about those things you’re grateful for, as this can significantly lessen the impact of certain negative events in our lives. You could try to write down the things you’re grateful for in a journal, for example, as this will remind you of the positive things in your life.
Try Relaxation And Meditation
Finding ways in which you can relax after a long day is very important. Allowing ourselves to get overwhelmed by stress can be very damaging to our mental health over a long period of time. There are many ways in which you can relax, and a lot of this depends on you as a person and what you enjoy doing. Engage in your favourite hobbies and allow yourself to have some alone time, perhaps with your favourite snacks and even a CBD-infused tea or coffee. CBD drinks and supplements have been shown to be great for helping people to relax, and this could positively affect your mental health. Before trying these, however, seek advice from your GP as you would with any supplement.
Arrange A Therapy Appointment
In some cases, it might be worthwhile to seek professional assistance if you feel you might need extra help with managing your mental health. Depression and anxiety can be crippling, ruining our ability to socialise, work, and generally enjoy life. There are many benefits of talking therapies, and ultimately a professional therapist can help to identify any serious mental health problems you might be living with, and they can also provide you with methods to deal with these problems too. A big part of this will be trying to identify the causes of these mental health problems, too.
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