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There are some symptoms that are so common or small that they become easy to ignore. This is often the case if you can live relatively easily alongside them or if you can damp them down with painkillers. However, there are some symptoms that you should never look past and that you should always get checked out by the doctor. Here are a few of them.

1. A Sore Throat
Usually, a sore throat will be one of the first signs of a cold that you will notice. However, a sore throat can be more worrying if it lasts for longer than a few days and if you have no other cold-related symptoms. A sore throat could spell anything from strep throat, which needs antibiotics, to GERD, which can permanently damage and scar your esophagus. The condition that most people worry about, though, is throat cancer. However, by knowing the most common throat cancer symptoms, you will be able to get a diagnosis quickly and put your mind at rest- or get the treatment that you need.
2. A Cough
Many people have a little cough, and they might not even notice that they have developed one. Although this could purely be habit, if you find yourself unable to stop coughing for no apparent reason, it is vital that you see a doctor. This cough cough be caused by a number of issues, such as allergies and COPD, as well as, more rarely, cancer. By getting your cough seen to, you might be able to limit the length of time that it will be irritating you for. Sometimes, though, you must wait for this cough to go away of its own accord, with people often having a lingering cough for a few more weeks after other signs of infection, such as a runny nose, have passed,
A headache is one of the most common symptoms that people experience. Many people endure short-term headaches due to long periods of screen time and stress. However, headaches could also be caused by cancer, vision problems, and conditions such as MS and ME. They could even be signs of a blood clot or an aneurysm, especially if your headache is severe and has come on suddenly. A headache with nausea and vision loss might also be a migraine, and there are medications that might help you limit and reduce your symptoms to manageable levels.
Many people regularly feel a little bit sick, and this could be diet-related, or down to acid reflux or pain in other parts of their body. Nausea can also be caused by medication and hormone changes. However, nausea is a symptom that can be related to tumors, infections, vitamin deficiencies, gut and intestine problems, meningitis, and even heart attacks.
You might feel faint if you have not drunk enough water or if you have been exercising a lot. However, dizziness is not normal, and you should not let it pass without comment, especially if it happens regularly or if it is paired with fainting. Dizziness could be brought on by anemia, infection, and Meniere’s disease, among other illnesses.
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