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Avid hikers go on adventures across the nation and world (and many stay clear of local hikes). Opportunities are everywhere. Some people may drive or fly for hours in the name of exploring a fresh and exciting trail. As hiking bucket lists become primed for 2022, it is understandable to want to go as far afield as possible. New people, settings, and circumstances all seem favorable after the uncertainty and anxiety of the last few years. It can all be an escape and a way to usher more excitement into your life.
However, these types of enriching experiences can be found closer to home too. Your nearby surroundings may have numerous hiking adventures to offer, and you should try to appreciate that as much as possible.
There are many perks to hiking a little more locally on occasion. We have listed them for you down below.

Benefits of Going on Local Hikes
Building Meaningful Relationships
Strike up conversations with fellow hikers on your local expeditions. Expect to bump into them at other times if you both live nearby.
Understand that many people develop strong bonds with their fellow hikers and look forward to seeing them again. Exchange contact details if you develop a friendship. Nurture your dynamic beyond your hiking interests and bring new people into your life.
Invite existing loved ones on your hiking trip. Consider that they may be more likely to say yes if the location is nearby and not abroad. Develop those relationships further within doable and comfortable parameters for everyone involved. Establish a routine and grow closer through each hike you go on.
Do not leave meetings to chance. Join a hiking club in your local area. Benefit from the group dynamics weekly and build a rapport with like-minded enthusiasts. Enjoy the other social gatherings that will occur.
Exploring Your Local Area
Fall back in love with the area you live in. Appreciate all the hidden spots of your local area and what they have to offer.
See how hiking in Park City, Utah, can be rewarding for people living nearby. Read how there is something for everyone here without them needing to travel far. Think about the range of hiking experiences on offer, from scenic strolls to steep climbing expeditions. Research all the different trails, feel inspired, and let it all facilitate your love for the great outdoors.
Consider if you have seen everything your local area has to offer. Wonder if you need to go overseas if there are local hiking trails you have not seen. Think about the time and money you will save in eliminating extensive travel logistics from your schedule.
Developing Consistency
Use the time you save wisely. Spend it hiking more often for longer periods of time.
Monitor your fitness as you create a routine. Enjoy all the health benefits that will bring. Think about mental well-being and how hiking regularly may improve your. Thrive on consistency and see each hike as an effort at self-improvement. Appreciate that you will not need to wait for a special trip to enjoy a good hike.
Try not to see local hikes as a compromise. View them as an opportunity. Use them as a way to prepare for more challenging trips overseas. Be better equipped and more experienced in those situations because of your dedication.
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