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I am so incredibly blessed to have a husband who is a stay-at-home-dad, while I work-from-home full-time. Early on in our relationship, I told him I don’t clean. I never really have in my own house – I’ve always hired people to do it. Even in high school and middle school, I’d do favors for my sister, Theresa, so she’d clean my room for me. I learned pretty quickly how nice it was to put my feet up and delegate the things I didn’t want to do. It was the makings for a successful business woman!

My husband and stay-at-home-dad
While I have a top secret formula for training my husband, he’s happy to share his tips and tricks for having a spotless house with three kids (+ 2 Great Pyrenees, 1 of which is a puppy):
- Let the dishwasher be the last thing you run at night, and the first thing you empty in the morning – the goal is to have an empty sink and counter all day long! Fill the dishwasher throughout the day. Nothing should ever really sit in the sink!
- Have the kids take their laundry downstairs and toss it in the wash before school
- Fold clothes in-between workout sets – it’s a great way to keep fit
- Get a routine in place – something like the bathrooms on Monday, mopping on Tuesdays and Fridays, sweeping midday and evening, Wednesdays deep cleaning rotation, Thursdays toss out any rogue leftovers, Fridays wash bedding
- Keep a tote for donations, a tote for repairs (clothing or other items that need mending), and a tote for things that need tossing. Donations go when the tote is filled, repairs get made as we find time, and things get tossed once it fills
Because we do laundry everyday, sometimes we have small loads (yes, even with our family of five!).
LG’s TwinWash system you get the best of both worlds. For small loads that can’t wait (like that gymnastics outfit or that winter coat that may not have seen a wash this year) there is the LG SideKick pedestal washer. You can even use it simultaneously while you do a bigger load up top on your LG Front load washer.
Not only do these washers have mega capacity to tackle any size load, they are energy efficient while giving you the best cleaning performance. No wonder more households have chosen LG laundry over any other brand!
From now until 4/25, you can receive up to $500 off a LG laundry solution for your home.
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