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Going on vacation is something we all look forward to, but sometimes things don’t always go to plan and we can fall ill or injure ourselves in some other way. While we can’t avoid everything, there are certain things that we can do before we head off to keep ourselves healthy.

how to be healthy on vacation
Get your vaccinations
When you travel to certain countries, it’s necessary to be vaccinated against certain diseases. For example, to go to Kenya, I needed the Yellow Fever vaccine (plus a ton of other things). The good news is you only ever need it once, and get a card to carry around saying you’ve had it. Check your travel destination to find out which ones you need and whether your accommodation has mosquito control to reduce the risk of contracting malaria.
Many vaccinations need to be completed weeks or months before you travel in order for them to be fully effective. Many countries have now implemented COVID vaccination requirements as well, which may differ from your own country.
Buy good insurance
While it’s tempting to cut costs by buying basic travel insurance (or none at all), you should never do this. Hopefully, you won’t need to use it, but if you do, you want something that will make sure that you are well looked after and don’t have any financial liabilities for your treatment.
Good insurance doesn’t have to cost too much, you can compare prices from different suppliers.
Certain medical conditions will make it difficult (but not impossible) to get medical insurance from standard providers. In which case you will need to seek a specialist insurance company who can cover you, which can take time. Don’t try and get around it by purchasing a standard policy as it will more than likely be invalid should you try and make a claim on it.
Take care of any issues before you leave
If possible, get treatment for any outstanding medical issues before you leave for your vacation, especially if there’s a chance it could worsen while you’re away. The same goes for any dental treatment too. Having a dental emergency abroad can completely ruin your trip.
Know what to do in a medical emergency
If you needed to see a doctor or dentist on vacation, would you know where to go for treatment? If you’re in a city, then there might be hospitals and doctors nearby, but if you’re in a resort in a smaller town, this might not be the case. Sometimes, hotels will have a doctor on call or be able to help you, but if you’re in self-catering accommodation, you’ll be left to your own devices.
Before traveling, find out how to contact medical advice should you need it and where to go. It’s also worth finding out where the nearest pharmacy is should you not need medical attention but still need medication.
how to be healthy on vacation Conclusion
The vast majority of people will experience no issues at all when traveling, but when you need medical treatment, it’s important you can access it quickly. By following these tips, you can reduce the likelihood of certain medical issues when you’re traveling, leaving you to get on with having a fantastic vacation without needing to worry.
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