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When it comes to handling legal problems there are no hard and fast rules about how you should proceed. However, there are some best practices that you should bear in mind in order to make sure that you come out on the right side of the law no matter what the legal issue you are dealing with.

If you are facing criminal charges then there are a few things that you should bear in mind before you find yourself on the wrong side of the law entirely. Here are some things that you should consider.
Remain Calm and Composed
One of the first things you should be doing is making sure that you are remaining calm and composed. If you’re facing criminal charges this is the best course of action you can take. It’s very natural to feel fearful and anxious but staying composed is going to help you to make decisions very clearly.
Try to avoid panicking or acting impulsively because this is just going to worsen your situation in the long run.
Understand Your Rights
Knowing your rights is critical when dealing with criminal charges. In most jurisdictions you have the right to remain silent and the right to get yourself legal help. When you start exercising these rights you’re going to stop yourself from inadvertently saying something that’s going to be used against you if you have to show up in court.
Do Not Speak Without Legal Representation
One of the biggest things you need to do is to keep your mouth closed when you are facing criminal charges. You might feel like you want to jump to your own defense and protect yourself especially if you know the charges are trumped up.
However, speaking can work against you in the long term. Inform the authorities that you wish to talk to a criminal solicitor before you answer any questions. This request is your right and it can help to protect you from self-incrimination.
Gather Evidence and Witnesses
Building a strong defense requires that you gather all the evidence that you can. Identify any witnesses that can support your case. Work with your lawyer to collect photographs, documents and any other evidence that may be floating around out there that can help you.
If there are witnesses who can testify on your behalf make sure you have their contact information on hand. To give your legal representative so that they can interview them and prepare them for court.
When you are facing criminal charges there are some very specific things that you should do to make sure that things do not get out of control for you. This is the last thing you need as it can see you giving up your freedom. Proceed with caution and make sure that you don’t violate any of your own rights.
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