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I’m going to show you how to make my favorite stained glass cookies!

Looking for stained glass cookies? St. Patrick’s Day is a really big day in our family. We’re mostly German, with a small percentage Irish…but that’s not why we celebrate.
You see, in 2014 I was a week overdue when I had to hurry home from my biophysical profile because I was in labor! I made it home, and only one midwife made it – just in time for his arrival! He came into this world lightning fast! You can read about our home water birth here.
So naturally, St. Patrick’s Day is extra magical for us. It is my sincerest wish that you create beautiful memories on this day! What better way than to make these Easy Luck of the Irish Stained Glass Cookies?
And while you’re at it, why not whip up The Best No-Bake Shamrock Shake Pie You’ll Ever Make?
What traditions does your family have for St. Patrick’s Day?

The kids and I made these for St. Patrick’s Day and it was so much fun! Thank you!
I’m glad you enjoyed it!